Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Book Chat #1 and #2

Welcome to "Book Chat" for the Social Media Marketing Strategy (MKT 4100) class at HPU.  I hope that you are enjoying the Tuten and Solomon textbook on Social Media Marketing.  I picked this textbook after reviews from professionals that basically said, "if I had a textbook like this in college, I may have actually read it."  I've already learned a lot from this book and I hope you are too.  Please respond to the following questions based on the text in the comments section below:

Book Chat #1:  Tuten and Solomon, Chapters 1-3

There is no online "Book Chat" for chapters 1-3.  If you completed the in-class exercises on "The Zones of Social Media" and "Personal Social Media Audit," you will receive credit for completing the first book chat.  

Book Chat #2:  Tuten and Solomon, Chapter 4

Go to http://socilab.com/#home (or another site that does social graphs for your favorite social media site) and have it draw a social graph for your LinkedIn (or other social media site) network.  Please describe your social graph.  What do the hubs represent?  Who are some of the outliers?  Are these outliers valuable contacts for you?  Why or why not?

Search Twitter for hashtags related to a brand (e.g. #dunkindonuts).  What kids of influence impressions appear for the hashtag you searched?  Can you identify key influencers who are sharing tweets with this specific hashtag?  Why or why not?